A-Z Index
  1.  Tabs
    1. Content
    2. Metadata - find keywords and meta descriptions for each page. Be sure to familiarize yourself with what metadata does.
    3. Configure
    4. Full screen
    5. Preview for Submission Buttons
  2. Title - Think SEO - this is the descriptive title that search engines use. It is displayed in the tab of a browser window. 
  3. Presets - this selects which set of navigation to use on this page. We recommend leaving this to the webteam. This is usually predefined and would only be switch during a rebuild.
  4. Page Heading - this is the heading used to title the page see '2c' in the 'Anatomy of the templates' section. 
  5. Image Header - this is the image used at the top of all pages. Some templates have a few different options but, for the most part it is managed here.
  6. Template data definitions - the rest of the editor will vary depending on the template in use. 
    1. Data Definition
    2. Help Text - This will provide some insight on how to use this data definition appropriately. 
    3. Data Definition value - this will vary depending on the type. See more on data definitions below.
  7. Siteimprove widget - if you use Siteimprove this is a shortcut to some of its tools relating to the page you are viewing. 

Cascade page editor screenshot denoting key components.

(click to enlarge image)

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